Monthly Archives: November 2011

“The Comback”

Wabash ALWAYS Fights! Here‘s the College’s story on today’s epic, err legendary, victory over North Central in Game 2 of Div III Football playoffs – – on to the quarterfinals!


Football Update

Just received word that Wabash will HOST North Central next Saturday in Game 2. Kick off at noon, and streamed online.

Post-Season 2011 Athletics Updates

Cross Country

Wabash scored a total of 419 points to finish in the top-20 for the second consecutive season. The Little Giants were 13th at last year’s race. North Central won the team competition for the second time in three years and 14th in history of the program. The Cardinals scored a total of 110 points. Several students finished very well. Read more.


First, here’s a bracket for Division III playoffs (it’s a web page). Second, and more importantly, Wabash beat Illinois College, standing 11-0. Here’s a recap. Notably, Game 2 pits Wabash vs. North Central. As of 11.50 PM Sunday, the NCAA hadn’t noted which team will have home field.




Ad Spot: Asian Studies

Okay, so there is probably no need to tell you that the Monon Bell stays in Crawfordsville (!). Most of you undoubtedly know this by now.

In other news, though, Wabash has had produced several ad spots – some for athletics and some for academics. Any of the ad spots could make good TV ads, but chances are they’ll be “aired” on the Internet.

Regarding academics, here is one that discusses the College’s efforts to create and vamp its Asian Studies program. Let us know what you think!

Bellgating Info!

Since Bell is away and we are less familiar with the restrictions and rules of the DePauw campus, here is information provided by DPU Athletics regarding your tailgate, if you partake.


Wes Anderson

Brother Anderson, or should we say, Officer Anderson, has some very interesting stuff happening down in Tulsa, OK.

To accompany this story, here’s a video posted for the Tulsa Police Academy Class of 2011!

” In the Spring of 2008 as I was preparing for life after college and, even more difficult for me to wrap my mind around, without football, I signed up to go to a career fair with Scott Crawford and some classmates.  I had no idea what I wanted to do.  Four years of late nights in the armory doing math taught me that I definitely did not want to do math anymore.  I went to the career fair with an open mind.  My stepfather and I had had many discussions about my future.  He had done ROTC with the Navy and had talked to me about a possible military future.  I was very open to this, the idea of serving my country was something that appealed strongly to me.  My mother, on the other hand, was not so keen on that idea.  My father was also in the Navy, and the military lifestyle had taken the ultimate toll on their marriage, ending in divorce when I was four.  It was at her behest that I looked for other employment first.

At the career fair were booths from several different companies and professions. After a few cursory laps to see what, if anything, peaked my interest, I ended up at a booth for the DEA.  I was looking at the brochure and I remember seeing a picture of DEA Agents performing a raid and thinking, “Wow! That looks like fun….”   I began to talk to the person at the booth and found that the DEA, and most federal agencies for that matter, required a couple years of some law enforcement experience.  I was bummed, but decided to keep walking around.  Still to this day I do not know how it happened, but I ended up at this simple, quiet booth in the corner for the Mt. Prospect, IL. Police Department.

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